Problem: Software development and integration class assignment to develop a server with a
backend of C library, Python and SQL.
KPI: File formatted correctly will show a molecule with gradients based off z values.
Develop a usable C library compiled with a makefile.
Utilize the C library from Python to read a file, use the information to graph a molecule, and store it in
an SQL database.
Use Python to launch a server running on the local computer.
Role: Backend developer.
Technologies Utilized: Python, C, SQL, HTML, CSS.
User Journey:
User downloads the source code from my Github.
The user can run 59798 in the command line of the folder containing the downloaded files.
The user can go to a browser and type localhost:59798 and hit enter to view the site.
The user is taken to a home page, where they can add a properly formatted file and name a molecule to view
If the user inputs an incorrectly formatted file, it will not attempt to display it.
The user can view a list of all the elements in the database and add or subtract elements as needed for
their molecule.
The user can view a list of all the molecules in the database.
The user can see the interval information on their phone, including the time left and if it is a walk or run
Development Journey:September 2022:C library development.
October 2022: Python integration and file reading. SQL data storing.
November 2022: Creating server and using HTML and CSS to create the server.
With additional time and resources I would have liked to understand metrics on the following:
Spend more time on a user intuitive design. This project focused more on the backend and functionality.
Connecting to a live site instead of running on a local host.
Over the course of the project, some challenges I encountered were: