The user clicks on the link from my LinkedIn or resume.
The user is taken to a homepage with a quick summary of me.
The user can easily find the projects section and click on one.
The user is taken to the specific project page, where they can visually see the product and read
more information, including a brief synopsis and a more in depth product analysis.
The user can navigate at any time to the home page, about page, or my resume.
The user can click on the about page from the nav bar.
The user is taken to the about page, where they can get more information about me.
Development Journey: September:Problem identified. Started developing the original design.
October: Identified issues with design. Developed a new design concept. Wireframing in Figma.
Going Forward: Continued development.
Original Design For Comparison:
With additional time and resources I would have liked to understand metrics on the following:
Understand site analytics more in depth.
Include more animations.
Add more projects.
Over the course of the project, some challenges I encountered were: